Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Water Softener Problems and How to Fix Them

Let me tell you into a little secret, hard water not only makes it hard for you to wash your clothes, but it also spoils your plumbing as well as your appliances. Truth be told, your water heater and dishwasher will not last you as long as you wish under the assault of mineral ions found in hard water. As you might guess, this is why water softeners were developed, to help reduce the ions in your water.

Dealing with Water Softener Problems

The solution to problems caused by hard water can only be solved when the ions that make the water “hard” are eliminated. Some of these ions include calcium and magnesium. The water softener helps eliminate these ions to the lowest levels. However, as beneficial as these softeners are to your pipes and appliances, there are some water softener issues you will encounter. Let us look at the water softener problems in detail.


To softened water, you need some salt to develop and retain osmotic pressure in the water filtration system. The resulting water usually contains this salt. The salt can cause a lot of complications when ingested. This is especially true if your doctor has restricted your salt intake. This is common when you are suffering from hypertension or heart conditions.

Reduced Brine Flow

Reduced or no brine flow is a common problem with water softeners. The cause may be due to clogging of the line by salt particles, which may impede the flow of brine. This is not all, the filter screen and the injector system may also be spoilt. Additionally, the problem may be coming from the pressure gauge. Just a tip, for brine to flow freely, the water filtration system needs to be maintained at a specific pressure.

Ineffective Filtration

Another problem with water softeners is the tendency of not filtering your water effectively. This may be as a result of several reasons. For one, if the tank is clogged with deposits, then filtration will not be effective. Secondly, when you read the user manual, then you know too well that the softener must have proper salt balance for filtration to happen successfully. The degree of salinity must be indicated somewhere in the guide. In case something happens and your water softener isn’t working effectively, you need to check the salinity, because this level differs from one manufacturer to another.
Effective filtration needs the softener to have a specific rate of regeneration. Check with the manual to find out the recommended frequency. You may have to increase this rate for the water to be filtered effectively.

Complete Water Softener Failure

Yes, it happens. Your system may completely stop working. In this case, the first culprit is the fuse. If the fuse is working properly, then the next culprit may be the cables which may be loose or incorrectly connected. Everyone knows that everything eventually wears out, which may be the reason why the motor is not running.

There is no doubt that a water softener is an important component of healthy living. However, the system can fail to deliver the results you desire. The problems range from salinity to a spoilt motor. When your water softener starts acting up, try and troubleshoot the cause and find a solution.